Thai cuisine is renowned for its distinctive flavours and places emphasis on lightly prepared dishes with strong aromatic components. Balance of the four fundamental taste senses, detail and variety are very important to Thai cooking which can also be quite spicy.
Although popularly considered a single cuisine, Thai cuisine is more accurately described as four regional cuisines corresponding to the four main regions of the country and the Royal Thai Cuisine whose origins can be traced back to the cosmopolitan Ayutthaya kingdom.
Naga Thai Restaurant in Puerto Banus which first opened its doors in 2005 and has so far created many fans on the Costa del Sol and abroad, invites you to come and taste these delicious Thai flavours in a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere that also reflects the renowned Thai hospitality.
We are convinced that your Naga experience will be an unforgettable one and that we will surpass your expectations in the best possible way.
The Naga Team